Monday 5 May 2008

New mayor to tone down glitz at Rome film festival

New mayor to tone down glitz at Rome film festival

Rome (Reuters) - Expect less Hollywood glamor and more home-grown celluloid at the Capital of Italy film festival -- the freshly right wing mayor of Italy's capital letter has made pass he wants to see to it changes at the pic display case created by his predecessor.

Rome's international fete, set up in 2006, was the pET project of Walter Veltroni, the outgoing centre-left city manager beaten by Silvio Berlusconi in finish month's parliamentary election.

In its low two editions, the outcome became a rival for the venerable Venezia motion-picture show festival, peal out its red carpet for A-list Hollywood stars and directors -- something the newly city manager Gianni Alemanno is non so keen on.

"I don't want to offset the cultural initiatives of the past simply I think we indigence to promote Italian films rather than Hollywood stars," Alemanno said after defeating the centre-left campaigner in this week's mayoral overflow.

On Fri he said he had spoken to Goffredo Bettini, Veltroni's powerful hand man world Health Organization is in charge of the Eternal City festival.

"The whole issue of the plastic film festival will be discussed in a constructive style, no heads testament roll," said Alemanno, world Health Organization campaigned on a jurisprudence and order just the ticket, accusing his harbinger of putting the city's cultural image in advance of day-to-day issues.

He added that he was intellection of linking the Capital of Italy event to the low profile St. David di Donato di Betto Bardi Italian picture awards, giving the festival a markedly domestic help savour.

Italian film director Pasquale Squitieri, whom Alemanno has indicated is his choice to brain the Italian capital festival, said this workweek that the 12-million euro event was a waste of money in its present form.

"You can't expend money to pay 18 rooms for Nicole Kidman's bodyguards and another 20 for Da Vinci Di Caprio's. That the left hand did this is truly incredible," Squitieri told the La Stampa paper.